High Risk

High Risk Lighting Solutions for Secure Units

Day in day out, the LYA team works with clients concerned with low, medium and high risk secure services, and specialises in the provision of lighting for these conditions – it’s what we do.

The Care Quality Commission states that 75% of people who take their own lives while on a psychiatric ward do so by hanging or strangulation. A ligature point is anything that could be used to attach a cord, rope or other material for the purpose of hanging or strangulation. Ligature points include shower rails, coat hooks, pipes & radiators, bedsteads, window and door frames, ceiling fittings, handles, hinges and closures.

NHS England commissions adult secure mental health services for those detained under the Mental Health Act. The secure services provide treatment for adults (aged 18 and over) with mental disorders including mental illness (MI), personality disorder (PD) and neurodevelopment disorders (NDD) including learning disabilities (LD) and autism (ASD).

Patients are liable to be detained under the Mental Health Act and their risk of harm to others and risk of escape from hospital cannot be managed safely within other mental health settings.

The secure services work in partnership with other organisations including Ministry of Justice, Courts, Police, Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS), Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) and other social care agencies.

Patients typically have complex chronic mental disorders, which are linked to offending or seriously harmful behaviour. Some will be involved with the criminal justice system (CJS), courts and prison, and may have Ministry of Justice (MoJ) restrictions imposed.

Low To High Risk Security

There is rising demand for these services from prisons.

The systemic review published in The British Journal of Psychiatry in 2016 showed evidence that patients discharged from secure services have lower reoffending outcomes than many comparative groups.

Matter architecture has produced a guide to improve the design of prisons to aide the growing move towards recovery focused care and rehabilitation.

Read more on Environment Psychology.

Clear Filters
Lucca Anti-Vandal
Lucca Anti-Vandal
Lucca Anti-Ligature
Lucca Anti-Ligature
Lucca Standard
Lucca Standard
Guardian Surface Linear – Safer Cell Prison Light
Guardian Surface Linear – Safer Cell Prison Light
Protectalux T Linear
Protectalux T Linear
Protectalux T Low Glare Linear
Protectalux T Low Glare Linear
Protectalux T Cornice Linear
Protectalux T Cornice Linear
Resistalux Cornice Linear
Resistalux Cornice Linear
Resistalux Surface Linear
Resistalux Surface Linear
Enduralux LED Bulkhead
Enduralux LED Bulkhead
Enduralux LED Linear
Enduralux LED Linear
Enduralux T Linear
Enduralux T Linear
Enduralux T Clear Linear
Enduralux T Clear Linear
Enduralux X LED Linear
Enduralux X LED Linear
Enduralux T Cornice
Enduralux T Cornice
Enduralux T Cornice Clear
Enduralux T Cornice Clear
Iris Anti-Ligature Bulkhead
Iris Anti-Ligature Bulkhead
Iris Anti-Ligature Semi-Recessed Bulkhead
Iris Anti-Ligature Semi-Recessed Bulkhead
Iris VLR Bulkhead (Vandal & Ligature Resistant)
Iris VLR Bulkhead (Vandal & Ligature Resistant)
Iris Exterior Bulkhead
Iris Exterior Bulkhead
Iris Exterior Hood Bulkhead
Iris Exterior Hood Bulkhead
Iris Anti-Vandal Bulkhead
Iris Anti-Vandal Bulkhead
Iris Standard Bulkhead
Iris Standard Bulkhead
Sirius Panel Recessed
Sirius Panel Recessed
Sirius Panel Surface
Sirius Panel Surface


Many years of design, development, testing and experience has resulted in a unique lighting offering that exceeds the most stringent of standards set by the Ministry of Justice for use in standard and safer cell accommodation. To eradicate any points of weakness LYA lenses are a single, continuous piece of polycarbonate that entirely encloses the internal architecture.

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